It will work as follows:
If 20 or so American League players sign up, we will split them up into two teams and play a doubleheader. (American League rules).
If there are 30 or more signed up, we will split into 3 teams and play a round robin. Team 1 vs 2, 2 vs. 3 and 1 vs. 3.
If there are 40 or more AL players who sign up we will split into 4 teams. Teams 1 and 2 will play, followed by teams 3 and 4. Losers will then play for third place and the winners will play for the Championship.
Limited to the first 44 AL players who register. Others will be put on a reserve list.
Rational: No one stepped up to chair a two day Spring Fling. All players who sign up will play two games. Many players said 3 games in a day was too much. Nothing on Sunday, you have the day to do whatever you want to do. No cost. The event is free.